Introduction to sdcApp

sdcApp is a user-friendly application for microdata anonymization and is built on the Shiny technology. Shiny allows users to communicate through a GUI that runs in a webbrowser with a local R session. The local R session performs the necessary calculations. In the case of sdcApp, most functionality used in R is included in the sdcMicro package.

sdcApp has a tab structure and consists of seven tabs, which in turn consist of up to three panels. This structured is further explored below. The tabs and panels are used to navigate through the app.

Starting sdcApp

After succcesful installation (see the Section Installation and updating), sdcApp is ready for use. Every single time sdcApp is used, first the applications R or RStudio need to be opened. We recommend to use RStudio for ease of use. After launching R or RStudio, the sdcMicro package needs to be loaded and sdcApp needs to be launched. To load sdcMicro and launch sdcApp, enter the code as shown in Listing 4 in the R console. Press enter after each line to execute the line of code. Fig. 10 shows the output in the R console after successfully launching sdcApp.

Listing 4 Loading sdcMicro package and launching sdcApp
1# Load sdcMicro package
4# Launch sdcApp (opens in browser window)


You can omit the lines starting with a hash tag (#) as these are comment lines and ignored by the R interpreter.

The application opens in a new tab in your default web browser. In case you prefer to use an alternative web browser, you can simply copy the address of the localhost and paste it into a different browser on the same machine. The localhost address can be found in the output in the R console. The address starts with followed by a four digit number. In the example in Fig. 10, the full localhost address is The application opens on the About/Help tab (see Fig. 11).


Firewalls and other settings on your computer and browser may prevent sdcApp from opening in your webbrowser. As a first thing you could try to copy paste the localhost address into your webbrowser. If that is not successful, try changing the settings of your browser and firewall.


Fig. 10 R console after loading the sdcMicro package and launching sdcApp


Fig. 11 About/Help tab in web browser after launching sdcApp with localhost address

Tab and panel structure

The sdcApp consists of seven different tabs that serve different parts of the SDC process. The tabs can be selected in the navigation bar at the top of the page (cf. the area indicated with 1 in Fig. 12). The navigation bar is visible at all times. The content of each tab may change as function the specified SDC problem and the current state of the SDC process. For example, anonymization methods for continuous key variables are not shown on the Anonymize tab, if no continuous key variables are selected.

  • About/Help

    Landing page to set storage path, quit and restart sdcApp as well as provide feedback to the developers

  • Microdata

    Page to load, view, explore and prepare the microdata to be anonymized

  • Anonymize

    Page to setup the anonymization problem (select variables, set parameters). Once the problem is defined, this page shows a summary of the anonymization problem and allows to apply anonymization methods

  • Risk/Utility

    Page to evaluate disclosure risk and information loss (data utility)

  • Export Data

    Page to export the anonymized data and reports on the anonymization process

  • Reproducibility

    Page with functionality to guarantee the reproducibility of the process by exporting the R script or problem instance

  • Undo

    Page to revert one or several steps in the anonymization process

Each tab consists of two panels: the left sidebar (cf. the area indicated with 2 in Fig. 12) and the main panel (cf. the area indicated with 3 in Fig. 12). The left panel allows the user to navigate between different function on the same tab, e.g., different risk measures. Some tabs have an additional right sidebar (cf. the area indicated with 4 in Fig. 12), which provide summary information on the current SDC problem.


Fig. 12 Risk/Utility tab with navigation bar and panel structure

In-app help

By hovering with the mouse pointer over the icon icon in sdcApp, additional information on e.g., specific parameters and the interpretation of results is provided. The help information is mainly intended to provide a brief reminder and is not meant to replace a thorough study of the SDC literature on risk and utility measurement and anonymization methods. Fig. 13 shows the help pop-up for the variable selection table.


Fig. 13 Help pop-up when moving with mouse cursor over i icon

Getting started

Use testdata dataset: all examples in this guide are illustrated with the testdata dataset.

Set storage path

All output exported from sdcApp, such as the anonymized dataset, reports and scripts will be saved in the directory shown under the header Set storage path on the About/Help tab (cf. Fig. 14). Upon launching sdcApp, this directory is set to the R working directory. Change the working directory to a the folder in the project directory with the dataset to be anonymized by typing the path to this folder in the input box (cf. Fig. 14). Once a valid path on your computer is entered, click the blue button Update the current output path to change the path. If the entered path is not a valid path on your system, a red button appears with the text The specified directory does not exist, thus the path can’t be updated. It is recommended to create a new folder in the project directory for the sdcApp output. The file names of the output files contain a date and time stamp as well as a brief description, e.g., exportedData_sdcMicro_20181010_1211.dta for the anonymized microdata in STATA format on October 10, 2018 at 12:11 and exportedProblem_sdcMicro_20180304_1633.rdata for the saved problem instance as R datafile on March 4, 2018 ar 16:33.


The storage path to the output folder needs to be specified every time sdcApp is launched.


If an sdcProblem is saved and reloaded, the storage path is set to the path saved in the sdcProblem. If the problem is loaded on a different computer than it was saved at, the storage path may be invalid and needs to be updated in the same way as described above.


Fig. 14 View and set storage path for file export

Quiting sdcApp

To quit sdcApp, click on Stop the GUI under the header Stop the interface on the About/Help tab. It is recommended to quit R or RStudio after quitting sdcApp to ensure that nothing is left in the memory. This especially applies to a restart due to sdcApp not responding.


Fig. 15 Button to quit sdcApp on the About/Help tab

Save SDC problem to continue working later. Possible once the SDC problem is defined. See undo section

Troubleshooting sdcApp

In certain cases, depending on the operating system