Setup Anonymization Problem

Based on the analysis of the disclosure scenarios, the user needs can make the variable selection in sdcApp and set some other parameters in order to define the so-called SDC problem. Once the data is loaded and prepared, the tab Anonymize shows a variable selection matrix in the main panel. The right sidebar shows several parameter settings and allows to have a quick summary view of each of the variables in the loaded dataset.

Variable selection

In order to setup an SDC problem the user needs to make a variable selection. The variable selection itself is the result of the analysis of diclosure scenarios and is beyond the scope of this manual. We refer to the section Disclosure scenarios) in Statistical Disclosure Control for Microdata: A Theory Guide for a thorough discussion of disclosure scenarios.

The matrix shown in Fig. 24 contains one row for each variable in the loaded dataset and nine different columns as described in Table 2.


Fig. 24 Table on Anonymize tab for variable selection

Table 2 Columns in setup table

Column header


Variable name

Name of variable in original dataset


Variable type in R (factor, integer, numeric, character)

Key variables

Radio buttons to select variable as categorical or continuous key variable


Column to select variable as weight variable

Hierarchical identifier

Column to select variable as hierarchical identifier


Column to select variable for PRAM method


Column to select variable to be deleted from released dataset

Number of levels

Number of different values (including NA/missing) in a categorical (type factor) variable

Number of missing

Number of records with missing value for this particular variable

The user can select for each variable the function it has in the SDC problem. No selection needs to be made for variables that are not relevant to the anonymization process and can be released without further treatment. Each of the columns is described in more detail:

  1. Variable name

    This column specifies the variable name as provided in the original dataset. Variable names cannot be changed in sdcApp, as they are unique identifiers. If the anonymization process renders a variable name no longer appropriate, the variable must be renamed after exporting the dataset in a software of choice.

  2. Type

    Each variable has a internal variable type in R. The different types include numeric, integer, factor and string. Each of the different functions in the SDC process requires a specific variable type, e.g., the weight needs to be numeric. If a variable is not of the appropriate type, the type of the variable needs to be changed before a selection is made (see the Section Convert variable type).

  3. Key variables

    Variables that are determined as key variables in the disclosure scenario need to be selected with the radiobutton. Key variables can be either categorical (select cat.) or numeric(select cont.). The sets of categorical key variables and numeric key variables are treated independently in sdcApp. Categorical key variables can be of type integer or factor. Numeric key variables can be of type integer or numeric. If a variable is not a key variable, the default value No should be selected. At least one variable needs to be selected as categorcial key variable in order to create an SDC problem.

  4. Weight

    The sampling weight is used to measure the disclosure risk. The weight variable needs to be of type numeric.

  5. Hierarchical identifier

    If the data has a hierarchical structure, e.g., individuals in households, the variable that defines this hierarchy needs to be selected as hierarchical identifier (see also the Section Risk). This could be for instance a household ID. The hierarchical identifier needs to be unique for each hierarchical unit (e.g., household) in the complete dataset and the same for each member of the hierarchical unit (e.g., household member). The hierarchical identifier can be of any type, but it is recommended not to use a string variable. Only one variable can be selected as hierarchical identifier. If the unique hierachical indentifier is composed of several variabels, e.g., a geographical identifier, such as region, and a household ID which is unique within regions but not across, a unique hierarchical identifier needs to generated before importing the data into sdcApp. This can be done in a software of choice by concatenating the different components.

  6. PRAM

    If some variables are considered for application of the PRAM method (see PRAM), they need to be specified at this stage. PRAM variables must be of type factor.

  7. Delete

    Variables that need to be deleted from the dataset for release, such as direct identifiers, need to be selected here. Variables to be deleted can be of any type.

  8. Number of levels

    This column shows the number of unique values in each variable. For instance a gender variable has typically two different levels. Note that if a variable contains missing values, this is also considered as a distinct value.

  9. Number of missing

    This column indicates the number of missing values in each variable. If values were set to NA, the missing value code in R, these are counted here. Other missing value codes, such as 9, 99, 998 need to be set to NA (see also the Section Set missing values to NA).


All variables need to be of the appropriate variable type. If the variable type of a variable is not suitable for the selected variable function, a popup window with an error message will appear. If necessary, the variable type needs to be changed before setting up the SDC problem.

Once a valid variable selection is made, a blue button will appear at the bottom of the setup table:


Fig. 25 Blue setup button appears below the setup table if the variable selection is valid

If a variable selection is invalid, the setup button will disappear and only reappears once all invalid choices are corrected. Popup windows as shown in Fig. 26, will guide the user through the variables that need to be fixed. The most common invalid choices are the selection of more than one function for a variable and the selection of a function that does not correspond with the variable type.

Before clicking the blue button to setup the SDC problem, several parameters have to be set, as outlined in the next section.


If an invalid variable choice is made, such as an invalid variable type or a variable is selected for more than one choice, a pop-up window with an informative error message is shown. An example is shown in Fig. 26. The error message can be closed by clicking Continue. It is important to undo the invalid selection after clicking away the error message, as this doesn’t happen automatically. Not correcting the selection will make it later difficult to trace back the invalid selections. The blue setup button disappears and reappears once the problem is fixed.


The variable selection cannot be saved before setting up the SDC problem. If, for instance, a variable is not of the appropriate variable type for its use in the SDC problem, the variable type needs to be changed on the Microdata tab. By returning to the Microdata tab, all selections made on the Anonymize tab are lost and need to be reselected. Therefore, it is recommended to first check all variable types before starting the variable selection.


Fig. 26 Example of a popup window with an error message after an invalid variable choice

For the examples and illustrations in this guide, we select the variables urbrur, sex, and age as categorical key variables, the variables expend, income, and savings as continuous key variables, the variables sampling_weight as weight and the variables roof and walls as PRAM variables (cf. Fig. 24). Note that non hierarchical identifier was selected as the data lack a hierarchical structure. The remaining variables that are not selected are considered as not of importance for the SDC process.


Besides the variable selection, there are two more parameters to be set before creating the SDC problem: alpha and seed. Both parameters can be set with sliders in the right sidepanel (see Fig. 27).


Fig. 27 Sliders to set additional parameters for the SDC problem


The parameter alpha is used to compute the frequencies of keys, which is used to compute risk measures for categorical key variables. Alpha is the weight with which a key that coincides based on a missing value (NA) contributes to these frequencies. The default value of the parameter alpha is 1, which means that two records that have the same key (combination of values in key variables), are considered to coincide completely.


Every time a probabilistic method is used, a different outcome is generated. For these methods it is often recommended that a seed be set for the random number generator if you want to produce replicable results. The seed is used to initialize the random number generator used for probabilistic methods. In sdcApp, the seed can be set to any integer value from 0 to 500. To select a value, you can click with the mouse pointer on the slider and use the arrow keys (left and right or up and down) to select an exact value. In Fig. 27 the seed is set at 388.


In order to replicate exact results when using probabilistic methods, the order in which the methods are carried out influences the results. Therefore, besides the seed, also the order of the operations needs to be the same. The seed changes when used in the random number generator. When the undo button is used (see ), the seed is not reset to the value prior to the reverted step.

Summary view

After setting up the SDC problem, the application jumps automatically to the summary view of the Anonymize tab. When an SDC problem is available, the Anonymize tab provides a summary of the SDC problem and allows to apply anonymization methods.

This tab first shows a Summary overview of the problem. The content of the summary page varies with the SDC problem. For example, if no numerical key variables were selected, the information on numeric key variables is omitted. Fig shows the summary page.


Once the SDC problem is set up, it is possible and highly recommended to save the SDC problem. By saving the SDC problem, you can reload the problem including the preparation steps and variable selection in case of issues with sdcApp or to revert to this ‘clean’ state without any methods applied in order to compare several methods.


If you would like to change the variable selection after setting up the SDC problem, click the red button [add png]. By doing so, you need to respecify the full variable selection.